I was feeling a bit depressed today. The mood was blue all around so after moping around the house and feeling sorry for myself the whole day, I decided to do what B does when he needs to release stress - check out You Tube!
I stumbled upon this great video, which finally drew a smile out of me! It's a pretty cool yet hilarious version of Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up video. I laughed so hard watching this video so do check it out! This guy obviously has a lot of free time to come up with such an entertaining video. From his appearance, to the props and dancing, he's got it all covered! I have not LOLed this hard in a long time! ;)
The song alone was enough to send me down memory lane, all the way back to the eighties, 1987 to be specific! I was only 14 and loved every minute of being just a girl, whose major issue was the few zits I had on my face! Life was all fine and dandy back then. There were no problems hovering above my head, no heartaches to endure, no stress to overcome...nothing! Just loads of fun and games, hanging out with my friends, going to school and having more fun with friends, crushing on the guy next door...sigh, those were the days!
So if I really could turn back time, I'd love to go back to the age 14, when life was a bed of beautiful roses and nothing but fond memories for me. Then I wouldn't be in this melancholy mood I'm stuck in right now! And with that, I think I've successfully answered Jean Chia's tag below, so now, I'd like to pass on this tag to these lucky people! ;)
Zubli, Nessa, Fida, LJ, Janice, Farah, Syura, GK, Nick (of course!), Mike, Marc, Syari, Uncle Sam, Matt, Bokjae, Karen, Jesse, Jackie and last but not least, Bless. Have fun with the tag and enjoy the video! :)
Title: The Age That I Wish To Go Back To
Requirement: Write about the one age that you wish to go back to and why?
Tag Mode: 5 bloggers
1st - You leave their blog and post link and add to the list below.
2nd - Let the blogger you want to tag know they been tagged by comment in their blog or etc.
Lemonjude wish to go back to age 6 to enjoy kid's life.
L'abeille wish to go back to any year but never return to age 28.
Sweetpea wish to go back to, actually, just thinking about 17.
Jean Chia wish to go back to 14 years old.
eastcoastlife wishes to go back to age 24 when she's in demand.
Emila wish to go back to the age of 7 to live that precious moments again.
Rizal wish to go back to the age of 7 - 7 super wonders of my world.
Mangosteenskin wish to back to age 7 to chase back Macik Piut’s geese and dogs!
Mariuca wish to go back to age 14 to forget her current sorrows.Title: The Age That I Wish To Go Back To
Requirement: Write about the one age that you wish to go back to and why?
Tag Mode: 5 bloggers
1st - You leave their blog and post link and add to the list below.
2nd - Let the blogger you want to tag know they been tagged by comment in their blog or etc.
The Age that they Wish to Go Back to:
Amidrin wish to go back to age 22 to correct back some mistakes in life.Lemonjude wish to go back to age 6 to enjoy kid's life.
L'abeille wish to go back to any year but never return to age 28.
Sweetpea wish to go back to, actually, just thinking about 17.
Jean Chia wish to go back to 14 years old.
eastcoastlife wishes to go back to age 24 when she's in demand.
Emila wish to go back to the age of 7 to live that precious moments again.
Rizal wish to go back to the age of 7 - 7 super wonders of my world.
Mangosteenskin wish to back to age 7 to chase back Macik Piut’s geese and dogs!
Zubli Zainordin wish to go back to age 14 too A Point In Time Almost Sinless Care Free Life!
LadyJava with to go back to age 21 to say goodbye to her father and tell him, " I love you"
Farah wish to go back to age 10 and be worry free
Shinade wish to go back to age 21 and boogie all night along again.
Fida wishes to go back to age 27 to say 'no' to her family to bring her grandmother to the wrong hospital
Devita wishes not to go back to any other ages.
**************End copy***************

Wah 14yrs old.. Dara Pinggitan lagi tu!! Hmm..have to think this thru ni..eh can tag my LLP instead or not..lol.. need some linky love there too lahh..
BTW.. on BOTB... vote and vote and vote.. and I am also on BOTB.. baru join....lahahahahah
All, thanks for taking the time to stop by, read, and comment on this very long post! It's much appreciated.
Dave, looking forward to the post!
LadyJava, thanks for the validation and the very kind words! I'm at Roxy's blog every day, so no doubt we'll cross paths there!
Mariuca, thanks for the validation and the kind words! You're absolutely right, it's very fair just to comment on your regular reader's posts, or on posts that you come across that catch your eye. If they don't catch your eye, chances are it isn't worth reading (for you) in the first place.
Also, thanks for the tag. I'll get to that later this week. I've got my blogging all done through Thursday and the posts have been made--they're just waiting in the blogger scheduler for the time stamp I put on them to come around.
Dee, thanks for the kind words and the validation. I couldn't agree with you more. EntreCard has introduced me to blogs I never would have found otherwise. I now have a solid core group that I try to visit every day.
Henson, you're absolutely right. Over time, when you drop on a blog repeatedly, even if you're just dropping and running, you get to know some basic stuff about a blog: how often it's updated, what the theme looks like, the graphics, the entrecard graphic....If a blogger drops on me consistently, I'll often pause and look around before dropping and running. And I'll echo what you and Dee both said about meeting people you never would have met otherwise. You're one of those great people.
Ken, yeah, in the blogosphere it's typical for someone else to beat you to the punch. But I think it's clear we're all of a like mind.
Also, the way I drop isn't necessarily the best way. My style is a little rigid, but I find it maximizes the use of my time. But every once and a while I deviate. I think all writers do--when you come across something by chance that seems worthwhile, it's often worth the time to follow the road less travelled to see how it will pan out, even if it's not part of the program.
Matt--so far no negativity or criticisms, I'm actually kind of surprised, but gratified.
Cheers all!
Yeah, young, sweet and innocent, not a worry in the world, that's where I wanna be right now LJ! :)
Can, you want me to change the link here to LLP or u can just go ahead and do the meme in LLP, I'm easy! ;)
Okies, I'm late but I'm voting now!
Hi Matt! Thanks for ur comment here. I really enjoyed ur article, so it was a pleasure to read and comment on it.
And WOW, you're all done right up through Thursday? You are efficient aren't you? ;)
Hey, GP...
I had just zoomed in here on a rocket when an email popped up that you had left a comment on Roxiticus Desperate Housewives...thanks so much for you many Battle of the Blogs votes; I always lose when you and LJ go to sleep, so it is good that you're usually up round the clock.
Happy night night!
Glad you didn't tag me with this one...I wouldn't change my age at all, I love my life right now. High school and college, on the other hand, are not particularly fond memories for me. And then there were my miserable single years in my late twenties, when I would go on dates just to amuse my friends with the horror stories! I have kept a diary/journal since freshman year of high school, and find that I write the most (and the best, incidentally) when I am gloomy and depressed. These days, with Rex and my two girls to keep me happy and busy, I barely have the time to blog, so no time at all for gloomy well-written journals!
LOL! When we're up and we see a battle with Roxy in it, we'd zoom off to vote for sure! ;)
Ooooh I LOVE the sound of gloomy well-written journals! Maybe ul share a page or two with us one day, that would be really cool! I used to keep those gloomy well-written journals too ha ha...must dig them up now! ;)
LOL!!! Yes! Dear the Genie Princess Mesra Marzie Marvelous Mariuca The Best Cook Phoebe Master Facebook Perfume Giver The Red Hot Drops EntreCard Exclusive Club Team Leader and My Best Friend Forever, I watched the video, and I remember the day I was announced the best student School of Mass Communication ITM, Shah Alam, 1981. A photo essay on me by my girlfriend. And after my speech, I did my own uniquely new version of dancing on a tilam, while explaining the Twist was born by a man using a towel in the shower. Hehehehehe! Innovative? Yes, that is me, then...
Yes, in 1987, I was 14 too. Now, I know your age. Hehehehehehe!
I no longer know what depress is, because I live in an inner castle with zero pressure that expand the entire universe. When I am feeling really real total happiness, I visit You Tube, I click comedy, else I watch boxing! or Muay Thai. Funtastic!
Ha! I had started up a whole blog just for gloomy well-written old journals called Roxiticus Memoir (http://roxiticusmemoir.blogspot.com). I am not sure what this looks like to the "outside world" because Google keeps telling me it is a spam blog! It only has one post! I will come up with a new name and start it up again one day soon. Happy Monday when you wake up...
I am not trying to scare the Queen of the Top Commenter here, with this train of comments. I just am stating that I miss you Saturday and Sunday. I send totally happy Mother's Day to Phoebe Master. So now I better get this tag done, for I love it so. I shall meet you and Jean Chia, when we were all 14. Sebaya rupanya kita bertiga yer? LOL!!!
This is fun. I know exactly what age I wanna go back to ... hehehe .. I'll get this out soon. Thanks for the tag Marzie. You just love torturing me with these ya ... hehehe ...
Zubli!!! You ni kan, org baru nak zzz but now have to answer ur comments cause now I tengah ROFL!! Ha ha ha...semenjak bila u, Jean Chia and I umur 14 tahun sama-sama ni?
LOL! That means u sent me 2 comments for Sat and 2 for Sun la ye? Tak termasuk Monday's comments lagi ni, ha ha ha. I think the Queen of the Top Commenter mesti panic sikit lol!! :)
Looking forward to Roxiticus Memoir making a comeback, this ought to be fun! ;) Oh and it looks like I'm still not done for the "night"! :)
That's why la Nick, now u understand why I had to tag you right? LOL! This one is too good to pass up. Have fun!
I remember this meme from a long time ago. Geesh, that kinda makes me feel old. LOL
Truly this is a simple, fun tag, and I love it. I hope if this is a "torture", please torture me first and more of a tag such as this. Almost done, boleh intai dah, jika you tak tidor lagi, here: http://atotalblog.wordpress.com/2008/05/12/mesra-marzie-marvelous-mariuca-16/.
Now I cari 5 mangsas who love this "torture" (curi terminology Nick) so that I boleh menorture mereka. LOL!!!
Really Tammy? And here I am thinking this is a cool new meme lol! :)
Wah wah cepatnye Zubli! Oh this was fun and simple to do kan? Okay, I'll come to ur place on my magic carpet! ;)
Memang ler, I kalau you tag meme jer, I kasi siap dulu. Sebab dulu, nanti sat, nanti sat, lelama tak buat, terlupa atau diserbu beberapa lagi tag meme. Tahun 2008 ini, mai jer terus buat. Eh! Sementara you ada magic carpet, jom cari nasik lemak cuttlefish. I tunggu LadyJava punya map sampai laa, tak diberinya. Hehehehehe..! Asyik-asyik kita yang tak dapat rasa nasik lemak sesedap sotong! LOL!!!
Iye tak iye daa, tarak list O. Sebab 14 years old maner reti list. Main redah jer! Hehehehehehe! Okay thank you, nasib baik Guru Besar datang check. LOL!!! Done!
Amboi!!! Chatting the pagi hari eh the two of you...lolzz!!! Tak boleh jadi ni...Zubli you nak menumbangkan i this month eh shyachehmah..lol...
GP!! I belum buat lagi this tag.. I'll get it up asap eh..
Am at the office now.. nak gi company secretary office. eh I blum tidor tau.. I tengok LOST back to back!!!
Hi, whatever you are going through now. I wish for the strength in you to carry you forward and I wish for goodness in all areas of your life. "When the night is the darkest, it means that soon the day will break. Press on!"
Marzie, I was expecting to see some younger days photo of you leh.... hehehe....
I think I want to go back to the days when I'm a baby cos my sis lost all my younger days photo. I want to feel like a baby again. keke ;p
hi marzie! hope you're feeling alot better now after your walking down the memories lane, ya! Being 14 years old is so much fun right! It's when you're starting to explore the world by your own. So much silly mistakes & puppies love. It was hilarious! :)
Gee whiz Zubli. you are going for the record huh?
We can't keep up with you.LOLZ:-)
I wish I was caught up until Thursday. I not even organized enough to know exactly what I will do in 5 minutes.
Oh Marzie, can I please do this one instead of the SU? I have problems every single time with SU.
It's not SU....it's IE7. They just don't work well togehter.
Pretty please with sugar and a cherry too:-)
Oh hi LJ,
I'll see you sometime tomorrow my time....LOLZ...you will be asleep!!
I was only 57 back in 1987*
How i long for those non Viagra daze*
;PPP xoxo
14 years old? form 2?? wow- that's really way back time, and it's so wonderful that you could still remember a lot of sweet memories then.
btw GP, why the bad mood ma? sebab kena mop umah ker? LOL
i love this meme, and I will get it done once I am back from Bandung OK. I will have to scan some pics too to make it more interesting. So, i won't rush now.
i have done the stumble upon meme in the other blog too. :)
Ah, this tag is much better.. easier than StumbleUpon! :)
Thanks, nanti I fikir2 dulu what age I want to go back too... going down memory lane. I love Rick Astley! Boyish looking but suara dia, wuii jantan giler! LOL
Marzie, you like to be 14 again? Being a teenager is not easy.. hehe.. the hormone goes up and down..hahaha...
Added your link in my site. Pls. add mine when you have time. Thank you.
Hi! Thanks for doing the tag that I first created. I've added your link to mine. Cheers!
Hi Zubli, thanks for adding the list. Nanti I datang tengok ye?
Happy to see that you are actively participating in more memes and tags this year Zubli. Best jugak some of the new tags yeah? This one in particular is interesting. :)
Hi LJ, you mean u watched the latest Lost? I haven't watched it yet, DL oredi but still tak sempat watch. Don't tell me what happened, let me surprise myself at how much more LOST they gonna make us be with the latest eps lol... :)
Hi BK! Great to see u here again. I remember u leaving me another beautiful quote in ur last comment here, thanks for this one as well! :)
Janice! That was the plan, but me no scanner mah... must really go shopping for one soon huh?
Baby Janice sounds cute! Wouldn't it be great if u can have ur baby pic together with the 2 cuties? :)
Jean! Thanks for tagging me with this one, definitely one of the more interesting memes this year so far! Oh yeah, 14 years old meant nothing but fun and no stress...and right now, that's exactly what I need! I had a blast walking down memory lane and I'm happy that we both chose 14 yrs old yay! Oh Zubli also he he! ;)
Hola Jackie, oh Zubli is trying to retain his number 2 spot it seems LOL! But you're doing pretty well too, securing ur spot here in the Top 10 so yay! :)
Sure Jackie, of course u can do this meme if u like. I'd love to see the age you decide to go back to, and perhaps some pics of Lil Jackie? ;)
The SU one doesn't jive well with ur IE huh? Have you tried using Firefox?
Ha ha ha, thanks for stopping by Billy. You made me smile! ;)
Hola Shiela! Great dear, I'll add u to my list asap. Thanks! :)
Hello Farah! Yeah la, when the world around u starts acting up and u just wanna hide away from all the stress and mess, 14 yrs old is where I wanna be!
I love this meme too, it's cool kan? And it lets u go back to the days u find most happiest now, a wonderful way to walk down memory lane.
HAH??? You're going to Bandung again?? Shopping lagi ke? Wah, have fun Farah! Jeles lagi sekali! :):):)
Yay! I had a feeling you love Rick Astley Nessa, cause kita kan 80s child lol!! And thanks for mentioning him here, the only one who thinks like me so far lolz... :)
Yeah, this meme is easier than SU, do la this one first if u like! I wonder what age u would like to go back to....
Hola Trin! I'd love to go back to being a teenager, happy go lucky life, no worries in da world...well no major ones la! ;)
Hi Amidrin.. I didn't know you're the creator of this meme! Thanks for a very fun meme, good job! :)
Hello Mariuca,
Thanks for the Tag. I will post it lately, probably next week. I have many things to do. Thanks for your att.
In 1987, I was 6! Hehehe..=)
Anyway, I never thought that your reason for wanting to go back to a younger age is to forget your current sorrows. You always seem happy and you cheer everyone up with your bubbly personality. I guess we're all humans, we are not perfect. =)
I think you're like a sunflower, because every time I head to your blog, it has always made me smile. Don't even think about quiting blogging, because everyone's going to miss Mariuca!
I miss the 80's. the music was great, the style was fun. People weren't as serious as they are now. A lot less stressful.
GP!! It's up... sob sob!!
Hi GP,
Indeed teenage is definitely more fun than now no matter what achievements in life one has made.
Thanks for tagging me. Umm.. when do I want to go back to?
Hey there, GP!
Looks like you worked some Genie Princess magic in the night and Google has "restored" my
Roxiticus Memoirs.
I only have a couple of posts up, but now that my memoir blog is back in business I'll try to dig through those gloomy journals and post there at least once a week.
Big first grade trip to the Bronx Zoo leaving early tomorrow morning, so early to bed tonight, not out and about in the Blogosphere. But maybe I'll come home with pictures of lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
Hi Fida! Sure, no worries. Can do this one whenever you're free okay?
Hola LJ! I tertidur awal la yesterday! Anyway, I saw ur tag and sob sob indeed, take care sweetie! :)
Hola Karen, I'm sure there's an age that you'd like to turn back to right this minute. Have fun woman! ;)
Hi Debbie! This is my favorite comment here so far. Thanks for taking the time to really read my post...HUGS!
Yeah la...I was a bit depressed over the weekend, like u said..we're all humans and things happen kan? So I was feeling pretty lousy and just wanted to go back to being a kid again, for that moment in time! But am okay oredi now. :)
Hola Insane Writer, thank you and welcome to Mariuca's blog! :)
Oh I love the 80s too actually, everything was just super cool then esp when u're a kid and enjoying life with no worries. 80s rock! ;)
Good morning Roxy! That's great, I'm actually at ur new site now. :)
Have fun at the zoo! My last zoo visit was when I went to the Melbourne Zoo in Australia. It's been ages since I visited our local zoo here in M'sia though. I can't wait to see pics of the lions and bears!! Do post them at ur blog okay? :)
I used to love Rick when I was a kid!! Hahaha I think the 80s just rocked big time!
14, huh?
Ah, the tragedy of being 30-something. So old. So useless. Your life is over. How you manage to hoist your tired old bod out of bed and stagger painfully over to the computer. It's a miracle!
I have socks older than you, I think.
But not NEARLY as pretty. :) :)
Woww.. another tag!! I'll get this done soon.. After I do the stumbled one.. Hehe.. thanks marz~!!
Yay Rozella! I love the 80s, and yeah... I admit that I used to love Rick too he he he! ;)
Hola Syura! Have fun with the memes, but I think u're gonna enjoy this one more than the SU. That seems to be the general consensus! ;)
LOL!!! He he thanks Max! Well, sometimes it does feel like a tragedy being 30 something, esp when life gets you down and all you wanna do is go back to being a kid again instead of facing what's going on around u...that's when being an adult totally sucks lolz... :)
I should get hubs photo & placed them side by side with the boys. Zac looked really like his daddy :)
Zac is sick now. He got a red patch at the back of his throat near the tonsil. So scare that he will get the Hand Foot & Mouth Disease. Luckily is it not cos his tongue, hands & foot are cleared. He has for bad cough & running nose now. Sigh !!
Yeah!! Jan, that will be cool...to have all your 3 boys lined up together as babies!! ;)
Oh dear, now it's Zac's turn to fall sick. How about his problem with the bully in school? I hope that is solved at least? I'll come by with a special lolli for Zac later! :):):)
Syabas LadyJava, at A Total Blog Twin, you have moved from 3rd to Top Number 2 Commenter. Hurray! Mariuca, hanya drop satu anak tangga jer. Top 3. Hehehehehe...
14? Muda sekali lah! That's too young liao. Only want to have crushes on boys?
You need men... better to be at age 21 hahaha.....
Apa ni!? LJ and Zubli having daily conversations with you on your blog! hehehe....
Lol! I enjoyed the video so much! The boy practically mimicked all the moves haha. Love that song, my first so-called bf dedicated the song to me, I was kinda surprised when the dj mentioned my name. I was on cloud 9!
Your teenagehood was fun!
Dear, forgot to tell you I added you and LJ in my list oredi.
Zubli! Syabas to LJ and boo hoo to Mariuca for dropping satu anak tangga! :(
ECL! 21 years old no longer innocent mah, heart got broken a couple of times already he he..14 years old no heartpain or stress, play only lolz!! :)
Ngak tahu pulak lah Wong Jawa tuh, I ni kan, this is perhaps may be however nevertheless but yet my eastcoastlife too. Saja nemankan budak yang batuk ni. Itu jer (wink!)
Ha ha ha Emila, funny right?? He even had the black bartender and the lady dancers ha ha ha... I was laughing la when I watched the video. Terkenang zama dulu! :) Thanks for adding us to ur list, woo hoo!
ECL, forgot to tell u... Zubli and LJ are trying to maintain their Top 2 positions here lolz! So they always have plenty to say to me and to each other ha ha ha! :)
Carta boleh naik balik dek. Beyondnizationness of my control. Kami asyik berbalas pantun jer. Syiok pulak tu. Tak per, dia tidor, you mai ler blog I tuh...
Shuuuttt! Oii, China cakap aaargh, lu tiam-tiam laa. Orang nak pergi Las Vegas neh! Ramai-ramai kang di antor nyer ke east coast kang, I dah pergi manyak kali. Las Vegas, jom! LOL!!!
Ala Zubli, mcm tak obvious he he..
I think LJ is coughing in her dreams now, asyik kena sebut je nama dia! ;)
Obvious yer? Harap-harap westcoastlife tak perasan lagi. Kalau seantero dunia dah perasan keobviousnizationnessnya, maka jom lah ramai-ramai kita semua ke Las Vegas. LOL!!!
Wah ECL can speak Malay... Syabas ECL!!!... eh you live marine parade eh.. I used to live there too..marine crescent.. I love Marine Parade!!
Dua tiga kucing berlari
Ni LJ nak Kejar!!!!!
Shyman... GP!!! patutler.. i tersedak2 in my sleep.. I mimpi i tumbuk org lagi...lolzz!!
LOL! LJ terus berpantun he he he... ;)
hehhehe..meh GP...meh pantun!!!
Oooo main kasyiar yer! I thought we can only mempantuns at our blogs. Marzie dear, kat sini pun boleh yer? Habeh ler LadyJava. Ini AchehChinese Man juara pantun daa. Marzie, pantun dia mana reti. I tak pernah dapat balasan satu pun. I acknowledge ler LadyJava bijak berpantun, tapi rhyme punya. Marzie, kau nengok abang punya pantun Kay, tie! Pantuns: Dua tiga kuching berlari. Mana nak sama si Makan Onion Flower, Buffer boleh komen pun boleh, lagi tiga komen I am number one on top!
Dear the Genie Princess Mesra Marzie Marvelous Mariuca The Best Cook Phoebe Master Facebook Perfume Giver and Receiver The Red Hot Drops EntreCard Exclusive Club Team Leader One Nite Owler Boldie Lover and My Best Friend Forever, well, ingatkan Melayu maner ler, I click and added her and joined her e-Community, rupernya eastcoastlife neh sebangsaku di Singapore daa. Nyonya, you kasi nengok itu P. Ramlee theater okay, and kalau you berani punya olang, nengok itu Congkak!
i always want to be 25 even though i'm not there yet. i think 25 is the age where anybody can be trusted in all kind of aspect. hey, this is just my opinion.
Morning Zubli! I think u dah back on top. Kesian LJ bekerja keras untuk mempertahankan kedudukan dia lolz! :)
Hola Swimwear! You must be really young then. No hurry to get to 25 trust me, enjoy ur youth, that's one of life's greatest gifts! :)
ah ah Zubli.. cian LJ!! hehehe
Wow, interesting tag. Turning back the clock. Will do it soon. Every stage of our life is meaningful and mostly would like to be in the teenager age where we are carefree, happy and well taken care of by our parents. :)
Yes, thanks Uncle Sam. It's comforting to hear u say those words out loud, that's how I felt a few days back he he! Hurry up and get this one out, interesting yeah? :)
Hi Mariuca..hope all is well.Yep,long time I have been busy with other things,giving blogging a break now and then when I feel bored.Hope all is well your side.Great post...I will do the tag,apart from posting it on my blog,let me know if there is anything else I must do.Hope your weekend is grand,Miss M :)
Hi Jesse! So great to see u here today, Phoebe and I have missed you! I had a feeling you'd enjoy this tag, it's a really cool one. Have fun with the tag Miss J! :)
Bit late lah ...just came back from vacation. I wish to go back to age ...emmmm 16 ...macam dah besar je rasa...enjoy ..mantap deh.
Hola Bono! Oh 16 is a great age to go back to...sweet sixteen! Lotsa fond memories too. :)
Salaam alaikum w.b.t.... Semoga diberkati dan dirahmati Allah selalu my dear mariuca. hehe ske sangat main TAG2 eh, bagus2 anak solehah
Alhamdulillah, mujur name ambe x ada kat senarai yang dia seru, kalau x kena bukak lagi kedai TAG, is is is :D. neway, tenang2 selalu, ceria2 selalu eh, modesty is the best policy, ma'assalamah ya ukhti Mariuca bukan Tapioca :)
Salam Forumer, wah u visit I hari ni ye? Tags mesti Forumer, adds to the fun of blogging kan? Speaking of which, have u listed your site on the SU meme? Jgn lupa! Happy long weekend Forumer! :)
Hey Genie Princess! I've got a Wesak Day tag for you :)
Bonoriau 16. Kiranya, Bonoriau tua pada kita dua tahun jer lah, kan Marzie?
Hi Rozella, a Wesak Day tag??? Wah....that sounds totally new, wonder what it's all about, thanks dear! And how was ur long holiday? :)
Hi Zubli! Bono will forever remain sweet 16, mcm kita forever 14 mah! ;)
Haah kan, honeymoon jer. Tahun depan baru S. R. P. Hehehehehehe...
Me? I would like to be 15 again! High school life was the best. When you'll be in school with ur friends all the time and form tight groups that lasted forever. It's still lasting though =)
Morning Zubli and Andrea!
Hi Andrea, just got ur full name from ur blog he he! Oh 15 is another great age to be...those were stress-free days and fun as well! I'm still good friends with my some of my high school buddies too yay! :):):)
done GP- after that very long wait! :)
Better late than never Farah LOL! Thanks woman, be right over! ;)
Salaam alaikum, dan semoga sihat sejahtera selalu.
Mariuca said : Speaking of which, have u listed your site on the SU meme? "
Hhmm, harap cik Mariuca ambe ni x nyanyuk lg hehe, wah3 mentang2 la dia glemer ramai peminat, ambe br join SU meme dia pn dia x ingat eh is is is
Neway, have a nice night tonight and so on and buat macam rumah sndr yerr :)
Forumer!! Eh mana ada I tak ingat u, ada apa Perpustakaan listed at my SU meme list #63! You ni kan... he he he, ke this isn't ur blog? Now you got me confused! ;)
I have posted a tag from you. I am sorry it takes 2 weeks to have time to do it.
I hope ypu will enjoy reading it.
Regards from PA.
Hola Fida! Always nice to see u here dear. :)
Oh yay, finally I get to see what age u wanna go back to, thanks for playing along. I'll be right over! :)
Finally Marzie,
I am all done. I hope I got it right.
I wish to go back to age 21 and boogie all night long again.
I had fun with this one...hope you like!!
Jackie! You did it beautifully and such a great fun post too, thanks so much for playing along dear! :)
hmm, i like teenage years as well - kinda cool, but not really complaining of life now haha :)
Quachee, wait till u get older, that's when the real problems begin LOL! Then you'd really yearn for ur teenage years again he he.. :)
Hi Mariuca, sorry for my very lately reply. I have added them so you can add me here.
Thanks a lot.
Have great day!
No worries Fida, consider it done. Hopping over to ur place now! :)
Hola Trisna, welcome to Mariuca's blog! Always a pleasure to see a new face here. Glad to hear u enjoyed the post and I'll come by your blog as well, have fun! :)
haha memang kelakarlah video ni! but i love rick astley so much, not forgeting jason donovan! tommy page oso!
i also love soft rock from the 80s, cinderella, styx, whitesnake, cutting crew...
oh not forgetting yngwie malmsteen!
And oh one more! joe lynn turner from rainbow!
lol, but then there was def leppard, bon jovi, europe, scorpion, toto, starship...
Wah. Emila.. Digging backwards nampak..lolzz... I love all semua yg u kata tu... esp whitesnake.. suara jantan!! besh!!
Wah we got same taste lah Emila..!!!
of course lj, we were born the same year hehe!
lj, mustilah dig backwards, nak komen banyak2 ni!
LOL! Kelakar kan this video? I was laughing by myself la watching it! ;)
Ohhhh LJ and Emila same age ye??? No wonder la I get along really well with the both of u! ;)
GP I tua bulan jer.. Me March.. Emila October.. yihaa.. next year 40 tahun..lolz!!
Both Phatelara and Jean Chia has got to go!!!!!!!!
Shhh! Don't tell anybody! This is our little secret.
Okay, I'm not crazy...well maybe just a tiny little bit.
Wah Rozella..slow slow gak eh.. what number you now eh?? ehehe
lol lj, kita soon to be 40 tuh!!!!
ok rozella, i'll keep your secret but dunno can hold it...they will come here sooner or later hehe
lol, i am laughing again at this video!
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!