Since It's August and I'm Loving It!, I've decided to repost the Magic Lamp Of Luck so it will keep me company here throughout the remaining days of August! To those who have yet to join the Genie Princess and Genie King on this awesome magical adventure, you can still do so. Just follow the rules of this meme and don't forget to leave me a comment to let me know you've joined.
Thank you to everyone who has joined the Magic Lamp of Luck meme so far. It has been great visiting all your blogs and getting to know some of you even better through this magic lamp. I'd also like to give a special THANK YOU to Yenzz, Emila, Jean and Kim for constantly updating their genie list and leaving me a note to let me know! And welcome back to Jackie, who just joined us on this magical adventure! :)
Zam Zam Alakazam! May your day be especially lucky today!
Don't forget to update your list, so everybody on board will enjoy the wonders of this ride! :)
The mighty Genie King and the beautiful Genie Princess from the magical Land of Faraway are back! Upon escaping the clutches of their Evil Master after being held captive for 1000 years, the magical genies have been busy flying on their Magical Flying Carpet, granting wishes and spreading love throughout the blogosphere.
And now, the genies are back with a special gift for everyone! Behold the sacred, Magic Lamp of Luck! With this magic lamp, your blog will enjoy much good luck and fortune, warding off all things evil lurking around in the blogosphere. We would like to share this magic lamp with you so please pass on the Magic Lamp of Luck to those in need of some good luck. Remember, do not be greedy or unkind, evil or vengeful and good luck & fortune will always be with you! Join us on another exciting magical adventure as we spread goodwill and good luck to one and all!
* Start Copy Here*
1. Add your site(s) to the list once you have received the Magic Lamp of Luck.
2. Pass on the Magic Lamp of Luck to as many people as you like. After all, everyone needs some good luck!
3. Leave a comment HERE once you’ve passed on the Magic Lamp of Luck. Once the Genie King and Genie Princess have visited your site to make sure your links are complete and proper, you will then be added to the Master List.
4. To ensure everyone receives equal link benefit, please UPDATE your list regularly!
*End Copy Here*

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 446 Newer› Newest»ALAKAZAM!
Greetings! The Mighty Genie King is here to welcome you beautiful Genie Princess to our latest adventure! I hope that you will have good luck all year round as we spread goodwill to all!
Genie King
Alakazam! I've put up the magic lamp!
Have put up in my 'other side' as well!
Ooh, can't believe I am blessed with such good fortune...I will get this up right away!
Aaargh, Genie Princess...I can't seem to copy the master list LINKS from your site...could I trouble you to email it to me (Bree at RoxiticusDesperateHousewives dot com). I'll get it up and started, then hope that I'll have less trouble coming back to keep the list up to date.
Hi Marzie! Been tagged by Emila and I've put it up on my blog already! :)
It can be found right here!
:) Thanks for the luck, Genie King and Genie Princess!!
ALAKAZAM!! Thank you GK, we know everybody is in need of some good luck now, so let's spread the power of the Magic Lamp of Luck all over the blogosphere! :):):)
Oy Vey, didn't see my name in the tag first time around! LOL! Thanks GP!!
Emila, thanks dearie! Both ur sites have been added, let's go on another exciting adventure! :):):)
Roxy!! I've mailed u the links, hope u got it, hurry up Roxy! Saving the best seat for u while I still can! :):):)
Yay, Shemah is next in line, be right over to check ur links dear! :):):)
Magic Lamp is up on my Bay Head Blog, Roxiticus Desperate Housewives on the way!
hi GP!! thank you very much for remembering me and visiting me at my blog. hugs to you too!!
was here to pick-up some of the much needed luck. i will inform you once it's up. again, thanks and muah!!
Roxy, BHB has been added to the list, thanks for spreading some good luck in the blogosphere! :):):)
Hi Ruby! I'm so glad this Magic Lamp came at the right time, for u too yeah? Hope you're keeping strong in your current situation and may the Magic Lamp bring u all the luck u need to make things better. HUGS for u Ruby!! :):):)
Genie Princess,
The lamp is lit up on Roxiticus Desperate Housewives now, too...hoping it brings me good luck in my pending Battle of the Blogs! Now I've gotta run and tag everyone.
Great Roxy! That was speedy and you have been added to the ML! :)
I'll be around to vote for u, so good luck! Let's hope we both win our pending battles tonite, come on Magic Lamp!! ;)
Done sweetie.. sorry. i was distracted..lolz.. for now only LJL first ok.. I'll add the rest later..lolzz!!
Hey!! I've posted the tag on both my blogs already!! Cool tag la!! Thanks for passing the Magic Lamp of Luck around! ;)
Yay!! LJ made it to the Top 10 he he! Thanks for spreading some luck LJ, no more incidents after this hopefully lolz!! :):):)
Hey Syura, glad u could make it!! I've added both ur sites to the ML, thanks for spreading more luck in the blogosphere! ;)
Wah so fast spreading! Have update up to No. 11!
Yihaa!!! Hold on to your seat.. here we go!!!
Vote, vote, vote -- you've got the magic lamp of luck plus one vote from Roxy!
mine is up already GP!! hope it would bring the much needed luck! thanks. more hugs!!
Pinay Mommy Online
Assalamu'alaikum w.b.t.... Semoga sihat dan bahagia selalu. Lamak dia dera aku pulak cik Mariuca nih. Dah la dia jemput salah blog, ambe x menulis mana kat e-picworld tu huhu, tu utk hasil digital images ambe jer. Nak kena rotan agaknya dia ni
Pape pn ambe post kat blog satu lagi. Kalau x takut awak menangis hehe.
Selamat maju jaya sentiasa, all the besta
Ok GP! It's all up
LadyJava Life's Pages
Being Woman
Cat Tales
Make Money Online
LadyJava's Food Paradise
Thanks dearie.. and here to vote for you as well.. Good luck!!!
I've joined you on your magic carpet ride!
Emila, thanks for updating so quickly, u rock! :):):)
YAY, thanks Roxy! Hope I win too and I just gave u my vote as well, good luck to us! ;)
Hola Ruby, that was fast YAY! Your site has been added here, thanks for joining Ruby dear! :):):)
Alamak Forumer, salah blog lagi ke? He he he, takpe janji u join with ur other blog yeah? Thanks for playing along and your site has been added to the ML! :):):)
LJ, that's the spirit woman! Mai semua blog LJ kumpul kat sini he he! Thanks for joining dearie and your sites have been added here! ;)
Hola Spicy bug! Thanks for joining in the fun, hope ul be enjoying some good luck really soon! :)
thank you genie princess. i can certainly do with a bit of luck lately X mwah X
Please add my two blogs..
Aeirin's Collections
Biz - N - Honey
I'm doing the FavTrain thing too. I'm number 38. Please add me to the list!
That is so neat! Thanks, I'll try to get it up soon. :o)
Thanks, Genie Princess! Really appreciate this :) I've posted mine already and will be passing on the magic lamp to other friends.
Hi Marzie, the magic lamp is lit up on
my magic lamp is up! :)
hope it's ok ... posted it to my three blogs (i so need luck badly! lol)
Picture Clusters
My Wanderings
Maiylah's Snippets
hope my blogs will be added to the master list!
many thanks! :)
O magic lamp, gimme some luck! Thanks dear, will put this up soon ya :)
morning genie princess!! when i first look at the list, i didnt see my name, i panicked. How can i not be included in this magical experience?! i thought to myself. But knowing you, i knew you wouldn't left me out. So, i thought you must hv discussed wt genie king on the list or somehow you knew genie king was going to pass this on to me, that's why you did not include me in yr list here, rite? :) There, i have strong faith in you!!
anyway, i will pass this on tonight. Thanks alot for this comeback! AGP really needs some good luck. She has yet been accepted by SS lar!! ><
have posted my magic lamp of luck! :)
hope my blog will be added to the master list.
many thanks!
my Magic Lamp of Luck is posted!
this is a fun way to increase links ... hope my blog will be added to the master list.
Life Quest
Tunggu sekejap. I akan pasang magic lamp itu. Thanks.
Hello, great tag. I want lots of luck and lots of luck to you too.
Here's my link:
Please update me on the masterlist as:
Thanks a million,
your friend michael wong
Wohoo! Updated the links on my two blogs! You rock too, GP!
Thanks for the tagging...mantap tu. take care
Hi, Mariuca!
Roxy sent me some Genie eLove!
And I have passed it on to 3 others . We can always use A Little Bit of Luck!
; )
hi Genie...:)
nice site...:)
Hey i love genie well the cartoon atleast !! whose the princess !! Hope its not Alladin's gal hhehe ... he would take all the luck back and give you pimples instead!! .. hehe ..
Hey i av added it to my do check it out ...! hope i get added on your blog 2 ..! b/w i got nature porn :P just a little humor do check it out ...!!
Hello GP, Great that the Genius are back to bring good luck. I shall post it up asap. Have a nice day. :)
I've posted the Genie Lamp of Luck on my 2 blogs! Need lots of luck these days =) Add me up pls!
Buhay Pinoy
I lead such a hectic life currently that I have no space for luck in my life :)
But still I wish all those who need the lucky charm that they get it. Sorry for not being able to visit regularly. New job - new burden! :(
I'm all done Genie Princess!!! Thanks for inviting me! I used the anchor text "Blogging Tips" in place of my site name "Revellian Dot Com", so please enter me in like that. Here's to the Genie King and Genie Princess!!!
I need good luck! Thanks for the Magic Lamp and the linky love.
I'll try to find a slot for it as you know I'm busting my butt off in the competition to be Singapore's Most Entertaining Blog! Hope you and your readers can vote so I don't have to work so hard. haha...
*rub rub Magic Lamp*
I want to be Singapore's Most Entertaining Blog!! :P
Hi Tina & Tammy! Hope to see u guys here soon, have a great magical day! :):):)
Aeirin, MT, Maiylah, Moments of Colours, Strider, Michael, Ferd, Roshill,Wandering Elephant and Bobby! Thanks for spreading the love guys, all your sites have been added to the ML, have a great day! :):):)
Hi Sasha! I've added one out of ur 3 blogs, buzz me when u have the lamp up for ur other 2 blogs yeah. Thanks so much for spreading good luck in the blogosphere dearie! :)
Bono, Dji, Uncle Sam and CNeil! Thanks for stopping by and hope to see the magic lamp at ur sites soon, have a good one! :)
ALAKABLIZZAMM!!!! My list is updated Genie Princess:)
i will waiting for that time...:)
magic lamp....
Hola Emila, happy to see the ML being passed on from one blog to the next yeeha! :)
Jean! Of course GP didn't forget u and Jan, that's why I quickly sent u that email yest! ;) GK will be tagging u this time, since last time I tagged u, kasi chan mah! He he... hurry up sweetie, grab a good spot while u can! :)
Nessa, YAY!! I'll be waiting for u here, we need all the good luck we can get right now, especially me he he! ;)
Hola Sandman, so great to see u here today! New job?? WOW, good luck to u then, see u do have some space in ur hectic life for good luck. I'd love to pass on this ML to u, but still unsure about ur no-meme policy he he! :):):)
Bobby, ALAKABLIZZAMM to you too he he!! So cute la you, thanks for updating the list! ;)
ECL!! Hopefully the Magic Lamp will keep me safe and sound he he... I'll come vote for u later today during my EC rounds yeah? When will the contest end?? :)
Jesie, I'll be waiting for YOU too he he, have fun passing on the lamp dearie! ;)
GP! Another lovely tag and no wonder the genies have been missing, They are out there picking up all the magic and luck for the bloggers! :) How nice and sweet.
I enjoyed doing this tag and the 2 proud genies are proudly showing on HERE. Add me to the master list, will you? :)
Hi GP, thanks so much for the tag, I'll do it as soon as I can, I really need good luck! Woofies.
He he, yes Farah and now the genies are back bringing with them loads of luck for the blogworld! Your site has been added to the ML Farah, thanks for playing along woo hoo! :)
MEOW Sushi, hurry up and get on board! GP saved a special seat for u! :)
Woohoo the genies are back!!!! hail Genie King and Genie Princess... =)
Thanks for your very kind intentions to pass on the Magic Lamp Of Luck to your humble friends here. We will always be at your service, your Majesty Genie King and your Highness Genie Princess. =)=)=)
hey thanks for the comment ... i will link up to my blog .... and update the list!! so whr's the party hehe ... genie throw us a party ..!! You know what lets make a combined blog make everyone you trust an authur ... that would really boost blogging persona ....!!
And yea the music on your blog is laggy use a flash swf player just send the music across to me i will change it to swf and will give you a code add it to your blog!!
GUyS digg it here hehe... !! Hey add the digg widget to your blog too...!! people would digg a whole in it !!
Updated the list already :) Here are the links for my 2 blogs...
I will come back again for updates :)
Thanks again for this wonderful tag.
Hello Mariuca! Here's my link :)
Thanks for this!
i posted it here
to be listed and thanks for making this wonderful tag.
Good morning (evening to you), Genie Princess!
Maybe my luck will be better in the Battle of the Blogs today, we'll see. You will not believe this, but there are those who do not see the Magic Lamp of Luck as serious or important, and they must be voting for Pampers instead.
Rex and I are headed in to our NYC office today, so I won't have much time for cruising the blogosphere. I didn't get your e-mail (you may have been auto de-spamified by our too diligent e-mail server, so if you have time please try again with an updated list to roxiticusdh at patmedia dot net), and my copy and paste system isn't working online, so I've had to painstakingly enter each lucky link manually....I see that i'm only about halfway there, but I'll catch up by tonight!
Back in a small new battle now against good friend SpicyBug, who also has the Lamp of Luck.
hehe.. i only checked my email this afternoon after i commented here. :D
oh, GP! I've joined in the fun! Pls add me to yr master list, k! :)
Want to join me for dinner at TGIF? But you fetch lar, since yr magical carpet no need put petrol wan! lolz! :D
Hi! Suzanne here. I joined and this tag are posted on my three blogs namely:
A Life in Bloom
Because Life is a Blessing
Kindly add them to the master list. Thanks!
I hope I can be included in the masterlist, Miss Genie Princess. I snagged this tag from Adie of Under One Roof and here's the link to my post..
Thanks! :)
Please include this blog as well
Thanks, Genie Princess!
Thanks to Bobby I found this.
I like Genies!
Although I've not officially received the lamp I hope the Genie King and Princess would be so kind as "pop" in!
All lists in my 3 blogs are updated. Thank you so much!
A Life in Bloom
Because Life is a Blessing
YAY! The genies are back NAFA! Hope u guys will join the fun in our quest to spread good luck in the blogosphere, hurry! :):):)
Roshill, thanks for coming by again LOL! GP is a tad too busy spreading luck to fuss over her music right now he he, remind me again later yeah? ;)
Sasha! Thanks for the buzz sweetie, got ur other 2 blogs listed here, take care! :)
Ha ha ha Roxy!!! Another great comment from you, thanks for making me laugh LOL!! GP thanks you for being so kind and appreciative of the genies and the Magic Lamp. I've voted for u today and hope u win
this round! :):):)
And I've emailed u the list to the new add u gave me.
Wah Jean, having dinner at TGIF is it? How yummy! Don't forget to tapau some buffalo wings for me he he!! Thanks for passing on the lamp Jean, your site has been added here! :):):)
Hi Adie, Mousey, Suzanne, Xixi and Dave!
All your sites have been added as well, thanks so much for passing on the magic lamp! :):):)
Hey guys check this out Cheeky .. tuk me an hour whole to make it !!.. so please do comment ...!
Sure i will remind you ! .. like where you from ..! lemme guess malaysia! Dude like you get wave of comments in a day then i get in a year . Well i haven't been blogging didn't find a desent group !! guess i have now!!
Im done.
hi again...huhu...
forgot this site...heheh..
Hi Mariuca,
I already posted it here
Will try to get this up asap once I get better. I'm feeling so sick now with the constant cough & running nose. The medicine is making me drowsy :(
Thanks Roshill! I do need that reminder. :)
Dji, I've visited ur site but didn't see the genie post up yet. ;)
Hi Charm, thanks for passing on the magic lamp, your sites have been added! ;)
hye GP..
this my site..
i will add u in my site tomorrow...
i cannot acces my blog right now..:(
i dont know why is happen to me right now..:( so sad...
Poor thing, your're still sick Jan? Since last week right? Hope u feel better soon, the genies will save a spot for u here, take care! :):):)
okeh...already add u at my site..
i posted it here
thank you genieee...:)
keep in touch!!!
I saw this on Bobby's site - the Revellian. Can I be added? If I can I would like it to read One of a Kind Wis
I adore Genie's - especially I Dream of Genie - she's vintage you know.
I did it here and here.
I was tagged and posted it here
Thank you genies!
My post is up- thanks for including me.
Hi. Mine is posted:
Sasha passed on to me the magic lamp--and i gladly accepted it (kahit naipangako ko na sa sarili kong hindi na ako mag pu pust ng mga ganitong uri ng regalo- but sasha is SASHA in my life nyahahahahahah- and I cannot just resist her- so, here I am returning to you as stated in the rules of the game- )...
God bless you and the rest of the recepients of the magic lamp. DID I DO IT RIGHT?...
many thanks Mariuca..
I will get this up and running in the next few days...
I'll be back :)
Hello GP, Thanks for adding me. I have update my list. Goodday. :)
hi genies!
i wish to be listed...
thank you!
Good day Genies!
count me in!
thanks alot!
I already rub the magic lamp!
Added my name! :)
Btw, finally managed to send out the stuff yesterday. Keep yer eyes peeled for the next couple of days!
Great idea! I have added the code here
Great way to work on reciprocal linking.
Been tagged by Adie and I've put it up on my blog already!
I am putting up now the magic lamp.. (tgh godek2)
Tinggal nak tekan button "publish" aje..
Ehh Kak Mariuca, berapa wishes dapat letak ni kat blog? 3 wishes ker?
hehe..hepi blogging..
Whew...finally broke my Battle of the Blogs losing streak and copied the most current Magic Lamp links from someone else's blog...thank goodness, it works!
Oh, and soon as you wake up, hurry on over, I'm in a new Battle of the Blogs with an "I've fallen and I can't get up" blog post. Do you remember that commercial? Now my 82-year-old mother has one of those emergency bracelets!
I've just joined the fun! :)
dah letak..
thanks genie..huhu
Hai genie, please add my website to your Magic Lamp tag: Here they are:
Hai, these are my web, please add
1. English Corner -
2. English Grammar -
3. Bodybuilding & Fitness –
4. Everything you need -
5. One Stop Games -
6. Blockbuster Movie Trailers
7. Voice Of The Spirit -
8. Bodybuilding & Human Growth Hormone -
9. Best Cuisine Recipes -
10. World of Tennis -
11. Men’s Health and Tips - –
12. Luxurious Retreats -
13. Internet Marketing Strategy & Tips-
14. Latest Technology -
15. Tentang Binaraga -
16. Berita Seputar Selebriti -
17. Panduan Kesehatan -
18. Insurance For You -
been tagged.
posted this on my 3 blogs.
Crissy's Library
Crissy's Zone
Crissy's Haven
Hi! I've been tagged and posted this one at my site...
Hai, sorry, i have added the list, please check
I have tagged along:
Hi Zattara, DB, Michelle, Tammy, DDay, Petula, Breather, JM, Gale, Rozella, DreamDoe, Mommyallehs,Rizal, Viki, Dynamic, Crissy, Shenzee and Stand My Ground! All your sites have been added to the Master List, thanks for spreading more good luck in the blogosphere peeps! :):):)
Hola Kim, glad to see u here and looking forward to having the genies at ur blog he he! :)
Morning Uncle Sam, nice to see u today and thanks for updating ur list! ;)
Gbex&Dom, I couldn't find ur post, so buzz me when it's up yeah? :)
Roxy! So happy to hear that you WON! And you managed to get the links off another blog, dunno why you can't copy & paste off here. I'll come vote for u now, before doing my EC rounds woo hoo!! :)
Hi Marzie, I'm on the list. Please add me :)
wOa eh captian We going to hit mark 100 in a few moments. woa the page is just burning literally ! dude your doing an awesome job at this ...! o.^
When your done with this do visit our
blogs soon..! i know must be hard givin back all those comments!
hi! blogged about it here.
hope I get added to the master list! :)
Deranged Insanity
Traipsey Turvey
eeeeeeekkkkkkk, why Oh why my dearest?.... I guess i mis copy pasted the html link- so, kabbbblammm!- here my link is:
Got the link up at my blog Spun by a Seanachie ^_^
Hola Roshill, thanks for coming by again! :) The genies are moving fast aren't they? Tag more of ur friends if u like yeah? ;)
Jan, GBex and Den - you guys are already added here, thanks so much! :)
Hi Z'riz, thanks for joining sweetie but I only found 1 genie post at ur blog, so only added that one. Buzz me when u have the genie post up at ur other 2 blogs and I'll add u here okay? :)
i'm done with this tag, had fun doing it.
here it is,
good day!!!
hello i updated my list already.. tc!
i enjoyed doing this tag. thanks!
not really sure how it goes.. but i've posted the genie on my blog already :)
Woohoo! I updated liao! Genie, grant me my three wishes! Hehehe
Sent liao. The lady said it will take around 4 days to arrive. :)
hi there.. sorry i did not post it as i accidentally delete it.. uwaa.. sorry, i do apologize.. i have it up by tomorrow..
The genie is everywhere! Grant my wish!
*rub rub rub rub*
I want a hunk.
I just grabbed the tag from you..
Hope I'll get lucky too..
This is great idea of yours, thanks for posting...
Anyway remember to add mine on the 94
Hi Tque95, Tack, Dcooking and Lord Story, thanks for playing along and all ur sites have been added to the ML! :)
Hi ZsaZsa, that's okay, I'll add u in when you have the post up, thanks for coming by! :)
Alakazam!! The genies hereby grant Rozella 3 wishes for being so speedy! Some more sent me magnets, how not to give 3 wishes like that? LOL!! ;)
LOL!! A hunk ECL?? Can be more specific or not? How tall, skinny or plump, old or young... he he!! ;)
Good morning, Mariuca...took my rental magic carpet for a ride over here to drop off my Bay Head blog EntreCard...back again with RDH before you can say Alakazam!
P.S. - You are looking most lovely smiling out from EastCoastLife's EntreCard widget today.
Cool! Looks like the magic lamp is going places! Updated my list, GP! Happy Wednesday!
Alakazam! I've put up the magic lamp! hehehhehe
i've done d tag..i get it from 1 of my list...=)
Greetings Genie Princess!
I have traded in my magic carpet rental for a rocket and am here to drop off my Roxiticus Desperate Housewives EntreCard and to thank you for all of the wishes I have been granted so far...I see the list is growing, and growing, and growing!
Hi dearie!
Am again at TTDI today.. so dropping from here lahh.. heheeheh.. see you at MPG in a bit!
wow, GP!! 99 lucky ppls on yr list already!! that's awesome!! i'll update my list now!! oh, remember to come fetch me & martin to work tomorrow, yea!! *wink*
This is one great chain tag, Genie Princess! Truly appreciate you including me here :)
I updated all my blogs now.
dear GP, I still remember the excitement of magic carpet ride!! :-) I will get this as soon as I have time ok? Thanks a lot for remembering me!!
Hi Marzie! I can't read what's inside the top of the list which you can scroll down, the first 5 sentences are kinda blended together. I'll go to MPG to see if I can read everything there. Alakazam! I need some magic!
hey sweetie.. hope everything is alright... am back now.. buzz me when you online ok :)
hello! i joined this wonderful meme. here's the link.
thanks! :)
Genie Princess... please add me to the list :)
hi Mariuca..
I've jumped on your magical carpet...
I've posted it up at laketrees :)
Wow so banyak people already ya. Congrats dear!
Just dropping by to let you know that I updated my post with all the new links.
Morning Roxy and BHB! Thanks for all the drops and for dropping by in a rocket! I've not been joining BOTB but I've been wasting credits on Scratchcards he he! ;)
Oh I thought Mariuca was looking mighty fine too over at ECL yesterday, hope I got some good clicks from ECL's lovely blog! :):):)
Hola Jean, Emila & Rozella! How are u ladies doing today? Thanks so much for updating ur lists, GP loves speedy updating! :)
Trin!!! Hurry up woman, we're all waiting for you here, come bring Clay sekali LOL! :)
LJ!! I'm here dearie, was busy doing my translasi last night, am almost done but it's taking so long to just reach that last file u know? Just can't wait to relax later! :)
Meow Sushi! Hurry up and join cutie, Phoebe is waiting for u here he he! ;)
Sasha, thank YOU for joining us genies, so happy all ur blogs are listed here. :)
Hola Spicybug, thank you for updating your list as well, have a good one! :)
Blanne, Dawn and Kim, thanks so much for passing on the Magic Lamp, all your blogs have been added to the Master List! :):):)
wow that was quick Mariuca !!
thanks so much ..
I will add this to my other blog on the weekend too... :) :)
Thanks GP for the add. I'm still ferverish now.... will need more rest so that I can get better during the weekends :)
Hi Sweetie. I'm in for my two sites. Here's the links.
Alakazam! on Comedy Plus and
Alakazam! on Blogging By Sandee
Big hug. :)
Hi Mariuca - Both sites have been updated per your request. Thanks again. :)
Hola Kim, YAY! Looking forward to having ur other blog here too! :)
Hi Jan, still not fully recovered? Hope my chic soup helped a little, get more rest okay? :)
Thanks Sandee, great to have both ur blogs here and here's to more linky love and good luck he he! :)
I have added the magic lamp of luck here:
done ur tag already (absolutely sure)
hi Marzie it is up in my other is the link
OMG what did i miss hehe...! List Updated ! GP u rock hehe ... that list growin fat hey m doing some reviews check out my blog !!..
means well i cant complete em all hehhe ..! ne1 wanna help!
I want a hunk like Korean actor,Kwon Sang Woo.... just give him to me lah!! *drooling*
i was tag and I posted it here
hello genies! :) I am here to update my master list.
have a nice day and enjoy your weekend! it's a wet day here today.
I have added mine here. Cheers!
Marzie... mine was up..forgot to tell you hehehe.. but not up yet at Clay.. still very busy..
hye. i was tag and here is my magic lamp.
THANX. hehe
Hai, i have added magic lamp tag at
Title: Luxurious Retreats
Pls add to the master list. Thx
already done.
please check again.
hi genies!
count me in as I rub the magic lamp!
Thanks for the tag. Hope I'm not too late. Will do this soon.
Hola Mariuca!
I have some yummy soft shell crabs for you over on Roxiticus Desperate Housewives...I don't have enough for everyone on the Magic Lamp list, so try to keep it a little hush hush...
hi marzie,
im proud to be your 500th voter, check it out....hehe
GP!!! although the lamp didn't work as magic to show up in my blog, you know my "saga", I finally had a chance to give it a little rub, however, everything else I type in my post cannot leave the scroll bar area! Help anybody! I just hope the way it is will do the trick, but if not,I'm ready to fix it and learn more new ways to get thing right when doing these MEMES. Thanks very much for your instructions, very useful! WOOOF!
added magic lamp tag at
Title: Five Martini Lunch
MPG's new look is great and I'm happy to see it at my blog too! I'll soon be over at MPG too because I can afford it now YAY! When I search for Mariuca that's the only blog(MPG) that shows up if I wanna purchase an EC ad. Don't know why... Anyway I can only afford one at a time. I need to monitor my EC personal finances very closely ;) My piggy bank is getting a little thinner... need to give it more food. Woof!
Hiiiii!! From Kansas! I added the linky list as well! Thank you!
hi genie Mariuca..
I have added the magic lamp at PoeARTica..
have a lovely Friday :)
hopefully your weekend will be smooth sailing too...without any incidents :)
ALAKAZAM!! The Mighty Genie King is in da House!! LOL
Hola GP!! Looks like we're up and running...woo hooo..
It's Friday!! It's Friday!!
Alakazam!! :)
Hi Levy, Zsa Zsa, Bless, Mhay, Kat, Trin, Dynamic, Reef and WS! All your sites are listed here, thanks so much for passing on the lamp ALAKAZAM! ;)
Hi Roshill, great to see u here AGAIN yay! I'll drop by ur place soon yeah, have a great weekend! :)
ECL, alamak I must cari ur hunk on the internet first la, but I believe u if u say he's cute! One Korean actor coming up for u he he! ;)
Farah, thanks dearie for updating ur list, I love your efficiency! Happy weekend! :)
Hi added tag to my blog at this link:
Hi Monaco, we'll be waiting for u he he! ;)
Izali!! Alamak, thanks so much for being my 500th voter at Spicy!! And 450th kat MPG!! Mai la join genie meme! :)
Roxy!! How did u know I love crabs?? Yummy, be right over with my EC! ;)
Woof Sushi! Thanks so much and I hope u will get some good magical clicks from MPG! :)
Alakazam GK! I am looking forward to the weekend as well. GP needs a break and it's time to do some shopping too woo hoo! :)
Hola John, WTGoddess and Kim!! Everyone's listed here already, thanks for playing along and have a great weekend! :):):)
Goodness! This meme is going such a long way!
Btw, you've been tagged: Are We Beyond Redemption? - Whoever adopts this tag will receive a special wallpaper quality photo of Geumgang Mountain in North Korea, photo taken in Summer of 2007.
I hope you'd oblige Ms. Mariuca. ^^;
Hi Genie Princess, I've passed on the Magic Lamp of Luck ;-) Have a nice day!
Hello Princess Genie, can I make a wish? lol!
btw, I have passed this Magical Lamp of yours.. happy TGIF!
Hola Elliot! It's nice to see u back here and thanks so much for the tag. I shall take a look at it yeah and have a great day to u! :)
Hi Monica and Salamat! Thanks for leaving ur links here, let's spread more good cheer and luck to everyone in the blogosphere! Your sites have been added. :)
hello powerful genies. i've received your tag and made a wish :)
thanks :)
passing by again to say hello to GP. have a good weekend mate. lets hope theres nothing going on at your place this weekend like fires and people falling from balcony lol!
Hi Genie Princess!
My new camera arrived yesterday, so I can't wait to post some pix for you...we're off to see John Cougar Mellencamp tonight on our way to the beach...
Happy weekend!
Hello!!I have posted the lamp now..
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Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!